First and suddenly, the picture above appear in his myspace in advance that something will happen soon, after justice close his set in Paris with their new track "Civilization", and now, everybody is waiting for the release of their most recent LP, after 4 year, Justice is back, and they starting with a great promotion for Adidas brand, in collaboration with Romain Gavras, who filmed the "Across the universe" cut for Justice before, and we can only say, that now Nike and Adidas are making a great and wise inversions in their adverts, and we love it, just watch this nu.
Primero y repentinamente, la foto de arriba aparecio en el myspace de justice como adelanto de que algo pasaria pronto, despues Justice cierra su set en Paris con su nuevo track "Civilization", y ahora, todo mundo esta esperando por el lanzamiento del que sera su nuevo LP, despues de 4 años, Justice esta de regreso, y han empezado una gran promocion para la marca Adidas, en colaboracion con Romain Gavras, quien filmara su corto "Across the universe", y lo unico que podemos decir, es que Nike y Adidas estan haciendo grandes e inteligentes inverciones en sus comerciales, y nos agrada, no mas hechenle un ojo a este.
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